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Green Machine History & Heritage

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January 15 , 2021

Country Heritage Park, Milton, Ontario ANNUAL REPORT

January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020

Plans were underway to host a snowmobile event at the Park in February of 2020. However, there was not enough snow, so this event had to be cancelled.

Members of our group had been meeting on a regular basis with members from the 1st Ontario and Upper Canada Two-cylinder clubs to prepare the 2020 Gathering of the Green display at Davenport in the middle of March 2020. However, due to Covid-19, the 2020 Gathering of the Green had to be cancelled just days before the Organizing Committee was ready to head to Davenport. As a result, the trailer was unpacked and all display items put into storage for future displays once events are rescheduled.

Due to the arrival of Covid-19 in March, we had to announce that the Park was closed and everyone was asked to stay home. As a result, all of our activities at the Park stopped.

The Directors held a virtual meeting by conference call on May 31st in order to make tentative plans for the Fall AGM and a possible plow-day if Covid restrictions were lifted. The Directors approved the purchase of paint for one of the Park’s people-movers, and volunteers were able to complete the painting of it in early June.

In the Summer we were offered a large donation of John Deere memorabilia from Patti Hinz. It was the collection of her late husband Rodney Hinz. These items were picked up and are being stored in the McDuffe building. It is hoped that in the Spring of 2021 we can build appropriate shelving in the building to display these items. We also received a donation from Marg Corsaut of Ray’s Rod & Piston display. These are now on display in the education area of the building.

The Directors held a virtual meeting in September. Due to Covid it was agreed that we would hold off on plans for the new building. This would also allow time for completion of the Park’s sewer connections with the new subdivision across the road. Once Covid is over we will begin contacting engineering firms to start work on blueprints for the building.

The new radiator for the Waterloo Boy has been installed on the tractor. The John Deere Gas Engine restoration is just about complete (the parts needed to complete it are in the US waiting for the border to re-open). Work will resume on the BW once the Park re-opens to volunteers. The Big-4 mower has been repainted, and it is hoped that more of the outside pieces will get painted in the Spring. We are looking at developing a new public website through the Park’s website. Work on this will begin early in 2021.

On October 17, 2020 we held our AGM in the Puslinch Hall at the Park. Due to Covid restrictions everyone wore a mask! Alex Dryden was elected as a Director to replace Wayne Mareck. Wayne was thanked for his many years of support to our group. It was voted to leave memberships at $10 per person for 2021-22, and a budget for 2021 was set. In the afternoon some cleaning and tidying was done in the building and the Model M was used to plow a small parcel of land.

In November the Park announced that it was going to host a “Country Christmas Drive-thru” event, Wednesday to Sunday during the last week in November and first week of December. This would be a Covid-safe event, with tickets being purchased on-line and participants asked to stay in their cars while driving through the Park to view the displays. To support this fundraising event, the John Deere building was decorated along with 2 of the tractors.

We want to thank everyone for their continued support through this difficult year. Hopefully 2021 will be less challenging so we can return to supporting Country Heritage Park as it recovers from this unprecedented year.

Post in: Events CHP Blog General

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Country Heritage Agricultural Society (CHAS) is a Canadian registered Non-Profit Organization.

Charity Number: 813821006 RR 0001

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